Treatment and intervention
Seeking help for psychosis
If you NEED HELP NOW there are lots of emergency phone numbers, self-help websites and local service contacts on the help pages.
Don’t worry if you don’t know which one to contact. Just try one of them, and they should be able to point you in the right direction.

Different people respond to psychosis differently.
Some people recover quickly and stay well. Others struggle more and have a harder time and more long-term problems. If you think you, or someone you know, is experiencing psychosis then it’s what you do next that counts!
I think if you, if you were to see the information online of what the service offered. Umm, that it was all confidential, here to help not to judge, just to make people feel a bit more reassured. Umm, and just make it just as easy as possible to get in touch- that would help
Wes, aged 21
Early Intervention in Psychosis (EIP) services are specialist services for people who seem like they might have problems with psychosis.

EIP teams include mental health and social care professionals with experience of helping people with these types of problems.
EIP services meet and support people with psychosis as quickly as possible so that they have the best and fastest recovery that they can. Your decisions are important here and they matter. Getting the right amount of support and advice at the right time can make a big difference to your life in the long term.
EIP Services
EIP Services are there to help. They are made up of lots of different health professionals with particular experience in supporting people with unusual or distressing experiences to get their lives back on track.You’re most likely to have unusual and distressing experiences in your late teens or early 20’s., although you may be older. One third of people develop these experiences when they're 35-60!
EIP services work closely with school, college and university counsellors, GP surgeries, drug and alcohol services and other local health and mental health services.
The most obvious place to get help is to go to your GP but you can get help from any of these services.

If you or the person you talk to think you may be having some unusual distressing experience like psychosis, either you or they can contact a local EIP services. There are EIP services all over the country, aiming to meet you as quickly as possible, often within a few days, to try to help. You can phone a service up yourself and talk to someone if you want to!
Clinical explainer
Early Intervention Services
Here are some more ideas.
Some of the anonymous helplines might be a good start. You could try Samaritans or any of the services listed in resources section or in our booklets. There are also some good websites and a lot of them have helplines too, where you can speak to someone, (e.g. Talk to Frank). These are listed in the resources section and the booklets too. It doesn’t really matter where you start. As soon as you start talking, someone can help.

Read more: Psychological or talking therapies